Chris Nel

Leadership ‘Armour’ ?

  “Dear Chris …I want to postpone our first session and my LPI until the autumn. I have not really had the chance to do much leadership recently, due to COVID …” I received this email from a new coaching client last week. It left me a little stunned. Unable to think of anything skilful […]

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Chris Nel

Virtual Leadership – Lessons Learned?

I’ll focus on the three most frequently cited families of concerns and split this into what people reported, learned and what advice would they give others to improve their virtual leadership …  What people reported. It’s fair to say most of us have found leadership over the last six months to be a challenge. Some […]

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Chris Nel

Before you go … what have you learned?

  THE GOOD Human kindness has been for me, the big winner. It has been the real upside of my experience of the COVID-19 lockdown. I have experienced so much more human kindness than has been normal for me. The surge in volunteering, calling friends and relations, donating, running family zoom quizzes, virtual dinner parties, […]

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It is particularly when facing hard times that we need strong leadership . It is therefore not surprising that it is in a crisis such as COVID19 that as a leader, you will come in for particular scrutiny. Paradoxically, it is also in a crisis that people who should be providing leadership tend to get […]

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Our intention is to let your as leader know : You are probably not alone in the things you are worrying about. There are patterns of COVID-19 leadership emerging . It helps to talk it through! The most frequently raised topics on the leadership helpline are: – Fear of loss of control. – The difficulty […]

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Chris Nel

Getting Better at ‘Change’ !

I used to work with Tom Peters, the business guru and author of more than 20 books on business excellence. My job then was to help people implement the ideas Tom wrote and spoke about. In many ways, it still is … What I learned was that ‘change’ is not a process. It is a […]

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An organisation’s success never rests on one set of shoulders; P.T. Barnum wouldn’t have lasted long on the trapeze. Leaders set the tone for their environment and have faith that others can do their bit. Do you want a space where people cling to their comfort zones, never thinking above their pay grade? Or do […]

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Exemplary leadership is built on values. Those wishing to go beyond simple management and step up to lead must first discover, then embody the values they hold dear. Not only that, they need to teach others to do the same. Encouraging your direct reports to take the same journey as yourself lets them spread your […]

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“Any little girl who’s practising their speech on the telly – you never know!” Olivia Colman, in a widely applauded Oscar acceptance speech, managed to inject a note of encouragement amidst the usual thank-you’s. Never giving up, working hard to achieve your dream is an important message, particularly in the days of reality show instant […]

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Do you enjoy what you do? More importantly, how do your people perceive their daily work? Are they happy and engaged, approaching their work in a positive frame of mind or is it more of a case of Mondayitis? Two recent surveys have revealed that for some at least, work is not as pleasant and […]

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