There is something magical about the turn of the year. The clock ticks over from one second to the next in an endless procession through time; and yet that one tick at the end of the year seems to bring with it a unique chance to change, to be or to act differently in the […]
Read moreWhatever your take on the US mid-term elections, one success story is the record number of women both standing for and elected to the House of Representatives. At the time of writing the final results have still to be declared but already we know that when the new contingent take their seats they will include […]
Read moreOctober 10th 2018 marks World Mental Health Day. Promoted by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the focus for this year is young people and mental health in a changing world. According to the WHO, suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29 year-olds worldwide with half of all mental illnesses beginning by age […]
Read more“In the selection process, sometimes I worry that people are there for the wrong reasons.” As a new series of The Apprentice heads to our screens Lord Sugar admitted in a BBC interview that there was a chance that the show could attract people who are looking for TV fame rather than those with genuine […]
Read moreAs the cricket and rugby league seasons wind to a close to be replaced on our screens by football and rugby union, as new dramas hit our television screens and fresh line-ups are announced for the return of old favourites; it is hard to escape the inevitable conclusion that summer is over and the slow […]
Read moreThere are more than 10 million people in the workforce today who are aged over fifty and the number is growing. So much so that by 2020 a third of the workforce will be over 50. Of those currently in the workforce, 63% are now looking to retire later than they thought they would ten […]
Read moreWith the hot weather set to continue into August the CBI is encouraging employers to take steps to help their people to stay cool at work*. Measures suggested include relaxing the dress code, offering more flexible working hours in order to move employees away from having to travel at peak commute times, and providing easy […]
Read moreFollowing consultation the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has released a revised corporate governance code* for premium listed companies. The new code, which will come into effect for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019, highlights the importance of relationships with stakeholders and employees as well as looking towards culture as a means of […]
Read moreThe Business Secretary, Greg Clark, has increased the stakes in respect of executive pay. In legislation being laid before Parliament on Monday 11 June, the Government has set out plans to require businesses with more than 250 employees to annually publish and justify the pay gap between executives and employees. This legislation was first mooted […]
Read moreIn Victorian times there was a widespread belief that a woman’s brain was in danger of overheating if it was taxed too much with tasks such as learning mathematics. Thank goodness then for the pioneering women of Victorian times and since who have through their actions set out to completely debunk the myth of inequality. […]
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