Chris Nel

New year, new you? Resolving to lead into 2019

There is something magical about the turn of the year. The clock ticks over from one second to the next in an endless procession through time; and yet that one tick at the end of the year seems to bring with it a unique chance to change, to be or to act differently in the days and months ahead. Sadly as the clock ticks on, so many of those resolutions born of a demarcation point in time fade away in the face of a daily challenge which itself has not altered.

When you think about it, it is hardly surprising that so many resolutions fail. Simply imposing a desire for something different on top of an existing order is rarely going to succeed. Does that mean that New Year resolutions are useless? Well, no, but if they are to succeed you need to create the conditions for success. So you work to build a true understanding of the way things are now. Then you develop a vision and strategy for the change you wish to see before shaping abilities and outlooks which will deliver that vision.

Along the way you share and communicate so that others may understand what you are trying to achieve and their place in delivering change. And that communication is equally important whether you are trying to evolve the culture of an organisation or simply looking towards self-improvement.

The turn of the year represents a stepping point in history. What are you doing to make it count and truly deliver change?