Helen Green

Leadership Lessons

It’s back to school time and that means new schools or classrooms, new rules and new challenges.

Over the next few weeks as classes settle down and friendships are made the leaders will start to emerge. Some will inspire their fellow students to greatness whilst others may have the opposite effect. But regardless of name or badge, these student leaders will play their part in shaping the ethos and prosperity of the school.

Whilst the head teacher and other members of staff may set the initial parameters it is through the body of students that those rules and guidelines will be translated into action. When one year group is held up as being ‘exceptional’ it is usually because within that group there are one or two individuals who influence the attitude and behaviour of all. And this goes on through life.

In the workplace there are ‘leaders without portfolio’ who influence their fellow workers. These are the people who can be the backbone of the organisation, the ones who can make or break company culture and ethos. They may be the leadership of tomorrow or may be content with their own role in work but whoever they are, wherever they sit, they are the people who can help shape the future.

When we talk about leadership being a journey it is all too easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the journey starts at a reasonably high level and goes on from there. But leadership can start anywhere, at any level, and businesses which recognise this and take steps to nurture emerging talent will reap the reward.