Helen Green

The true value of teamwork

It scarcely seems a year ago when we were writing about lessons of courage and determination from the Toronto Invictus Games. Now a new games is taking place in Sydney Australia and once again the stories of challenges faced and hurdles overcome are truly inspiring.

At the time of writing the event is half way through but already we have had some examples of how teamwork is more than simply sharing tasks. When one GB cyclist saw a fellow competitor struggling on the course they slowed down to provide help and encouragement; pushing them on with comments such as “It’s just a little hill, you’ve had bigger mountains to climb.” The two competitors then completed the course and crossed the line together. Similarly when a wheelchair tennis player was affected by the sound of a helicopter flying overhead the match paused while his partner comforted him; singing the ‘Frozen’ song to help him to let go of his instinctive reaction.

Actions such as these illustrate only too well how awareness and humanity can help people to overcome challenges and to truly achieve. Teamwork isn’t simply a task-based activity. True teamwork is about people, working with and for each other.